Carlton County

Chambers of Commerce and Visitors Bureaus

That is the message representatives from nine chambers of commerce and 15 cities in three counties are encouraging others to help send.


Moose Lake (pop. 2,751) abuts both a lake and a state park that bear its name. Moose Lake was one of the communities affected by the massive 1918 Cloquet Fire but today has an evident downtown on Old Highway 61; and there are a multitude of businesses for the casual browser to get acquainted with. There are references to Moose Lake in “Veggie Tails” and “Rio”. Moose Lake is also known as the Agate Capital of the World and the city is home to the world’s largest agate on record weighing in at 108 pounds. Each year, there is an Agate Days celebration to commemorate it. Barnum (pop. 613) is the home of the Carlton County Fair, which takes place each August.


Carlton (pop. 862) wasn’t even thought of in 1870, when the railroad decided to finish a stretch of track that would link Duluth to St. Paul. Temporary shacks were erected for the workers at the place that was then known as “Northern Pacific Junction”. In 1881, this settlement was incorporated as “Carlton”, a name taken from former State Senator Reuben Carlton. Carlton Daze is the name of the city’s celebration held each summer. The St. Louis River is nearby, as is the Thomson Reservoir and Dam, Jay Cooke State Park and the Willard Munger State Trail. Popular for visitors is the Black Bear Casino Resort.

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